Friday, June 14, 2024

Be a well built personality

     Among the people we meet daily, some are usually so outstanding that you never forget them even you never meet them again. That's because those people have powerful personalities over time.

     A powerful personality includes the outlook, behavior, attitudes and qualities of a character that person has both personally and professionally. Having a powerful personality is totally different from having a position of power. A person who occupying a powerful position may or may not have a powerful personality. But an individual who plays a powerful role with a powerful personality can influence regardless the position they occupy.

     The good thing is everyone can develop a strong and powerful personality at the moment they makeup their mind to do so and start to work towards it. A few tips for build up a powerful personality is as follows;

   •Develop good communication skills

   •Develop Your knowledge and skillset

   •Stay warm and kind to others

   •Prioritize responsibility 

   •Be genuine in your interest in others

   •Be authentic 

   •Stay comfortable around yourself 

     Becoming a person with a strong personality brings you so many advantages. You can build great relationships, get quality experiences, become social wealth and having the privilege of rare opportunities etc. However, if you feel difficult to follow these yourself, you can seek the help of a coach.

Leo Hiruni Aththanayaka

First Year

Faculty of Arts

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  වප් පුන් පොහෝ දිනය අසිරිමත් බෞද්ධාගමික සිදුවීම් රැසක් සිදුවුනු වැදගත් පොහෝ දිනයකි. මහා පවාරණය, දේවාවරෝහණය, සාරිපුත්ත තෙරණුවෝ ප්‍රඥාවෙන් අග...