Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AN ANALYSIS OF THE 2024 MOROCCO EARTHQUAKE [ Safe Guard - Article 09 ]

Safe Guard

Phase - 1

Session - 1

Impacts and Implications

On August 12, 2024, a significant earthquake struck the Marrakesh region of Morocco, with a magnitude of 6.9 on the Richter scale. This event had profound impacts on the local population, infrastructure, and the natural environment. This article observes the earthquake's geophysical characteristics, its immediate and long-term effects, and the implications for relevant preparedness and response in the region.

Morocco is located on the boundary between the African and Eurasian tectonic plates, is highly active due to the complex interactions between these plates. The earthquake that occurred on August 12, 2024, highlighs the ongoing tectonic activity in this region. This article provides a detailed analysis of the earthquake, including its geological context, impact on the region, and the broader implications for risk management.

The August 2024 earthquake occurred within the context of the broader

tectonic framework of the region. Morocco's position on the boundary between the African and Eurasian Plates places it in a zone of significant tectonic stress. The Atlas Mountains, which run through central Morocco, are the result of the ongoing collision between these plates. Seismic activity in this region is not uncommon, but the magnitude of this earthquake was notable due to its impact on compactly populated areas.

Characteristics of the earthquake registered a magnitude of 6.9, with its epicenter located approximately 30 kilometers south of Marrakesh. The focal depth was estimated at 10 kilometers, placing the earthquake at a relatively shallow depth, which contributed to its intensity. The event was characterized by a combination of strike-slip and thrust faulting, indicative of complex stress interactions in the region.

Impact of this earthquake Assessment can be divided to several scientific areas.

* Human and Structural Impact.

* Environmental Impact

Human and Structural Impact

The immediate impact of the earthquake was substantial, with significant damage reported in Marrakesh and surrounding towns. Preliminary reports indicate that hundreds of buildings were destroyed or severely damaged, including historical sites and residential structures.

The earthquake resulted in a considerable number of casualties and injuries, with emergency services working to provide ad and support to affected communities.

The event also had notable environmental consequences. Landslides triggered by the earthquake caused additional damage to infrastructure and posed further risks to affected populations. Changes in groundwater levels and potential shifts in local river courses have been observed, necessitating ongoing environmental monitoring.

This earthquake underscored the need for such monitoring as a key element of efforts to update hazard quantification and mapping in Morocco, including establishing Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) levels.

Regardless, the vulnerabilities of traditional earthen buildings were evident, with various expected failure mechanisms, including in-plane and out-of-plane collapse with wall detachment from floors. Other vulnerable building types, including non-ductile concrete and unreinforced masonry buildings, experienced expected levels of damage. Unfortunately, there were textbook examples of complete/partial collapse, including soft-story collapses and overturning failures due to insufficient foundations. Beyond this region being historically characterized as having low- to mid-level seismicity, these failures underscore the lack of aseismic design knowledge.

The earthquake also tragically impacted a large number of historical structures. The structural condition of 27 monuments has been classified as heavily to very heavily damage (partially collapsed). The types of damage varied from significant cracks to partial collapse of the structures Among the partially collapsed historical structures was the Historical Timel Mosque a national monument constructed in the year 1124 and a site on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1995. The observed damage and collapses once again highlight the need to develop innovative and effective methods for retrofitting historical structures while preserving their historical and cultural identity.

Not only that some positive Impacts were highlighted throughout this disaster. On a positive note, all hospitals were undamaged and functional after the earthquake. This is partly because there was no hospital in the near-fault region.

As the response and Recovery to the earthquake, this underscores the opportunity to develop ground motion instrumentation networks through low-cost sensor solutions, which can also be expanded to instrument structures to characterize their response. Moroccan authorities, along with international aid organizations, have mobilized resources for rescue and recovery operations. Efforts are focused on providing immediate relief, assessing structural damage, and addressing the needs of displaced populations. Long-term recovery plans will involve rebuilding infrastructure, improving relevant resilience, and enhancing disaster preparedness measures.

As the implications for Risk Management the August 2024 earthquake underscores the need for improved seismic risk management strategies in Morocco. Key areas for development include:

1. Building Codes and Infrastructure: Strengthening building codes and retrofitting existing structures to withstand

seismic forces.

2. Early Warning Systems: Implementing advanced earthquake early warning systems to provide timely alerts and reduce damage.

3. Public Awareness and Preparedness: Increasing public awareness of earthquake risks and promoting preparedness measures at the community level.

The August 12, 2024, earthquake in Morocco has highlighted the significant risks faced by the region. While the immediate response has been robust, the event underscores the need for continued efforts in improving earthquake preparedness, building resilience, and enhancing disaster response capabilities. Ongoing research and monitoring will be crucial in mitigating future risks and ensuring the safety and resilience of communities in highly active areas.

In conclusion, the recent earthquake in Morocco has underscored the urgent need for comprehensive disaster preparedness and resilient infrastructure. As the nation grapples with the aftermath, it is crucial for international communities and aid organizations to offer support, while local efforts focus on rebuilding and recovery. This tragedy not only highlights the vulnerabilities inherent in seismic-prone regions but also emphasizes the strength and solidarity of a nation determined to overcome adversity. The resilience of the Moroccan people, coupled with global assistance, will play a pivotal role in restoring stability and ensuring a safer future. 

Leo Thiloma Thilakarathna

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